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  • Writer's pictureGlen Bacon

Glen's Guides on the Energy of War

Glen_Guides on WarGlen Bacon

Glen and I connected with his Guides today January 20th 2024 as Pluto changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius.

We asked about the energies we are experiencing. Specifically trying to understand the energy and causes of War.

I asked if the Cosmic Energy we are experiencing will result in the evolution of Humans to a state that transcends the impulse to War with each other.

I would invite any who are interested to take a listen to the channeled response of the Guides as they speak about a Super Conscience.

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Feb 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you Glen. So much of what your Guides have said aligns with what I believe. My guides have recently told me I am serving war/peace - working on bringing light to the darkness.❤️

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