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Soul Guidance 

This soul journey can be challenging, and feel lonely. We offer a tailored approach to soul coaching based on where you are in this moment. Our work with you may include:

Past life Exploration - We can  help you gain insights into issues you may be facing. Understanding the patterns of lessons and behaviors' from past lives can help you tremendously in this present incarnation.  When we bring your Past Life experiences into your conscious awareness in this incarnation it is a gift to your soul development


Psychic Medium Connection - We connect to the guidance given for your highest good. This can include connection to loved ones in the other realms to address wounds or questions. This can also include messages from your guides or messages from other sources. 

Energetic Cord Cutting - IF they are present we help you identify energetic cords draining your energy. These cords can be a result of  issues in this incarnation or represent ancestral wounds. We can help identify and release you from the draining and damaging impacts of these connections. We can also help you understand some of the underlying reasons for these cords. 

Our work with you will be a guided approach based on what is in your highest good to work on at this time.  

Spiritual Growth and Development

A Guided Approach

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