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My Story

As a long-time psychic, I am now being guided to use my gifts to help others.


I have seen spirits and been able to connect to unseen realms since I was a child. I was uncertain and afraid of these energies that appeared suddenly in front of me when I was alone in the night.

At thirteen my Grandfather passed away from an incurable illness. One week after his passing I awoke at 3:15 am to see him sitting on my bed. He simply smiled and whispered..."You must Listen". He then faded into the darkness. 

During my boyhood and teenage years, Spirits continued to appear to me, but I was uncertain what to do, or if I should even tell anyone. I thought I might be losing my mind and kept most of these experiences to myself.

Once I reached adulthood, I choose a career as a Police Officer. It was during this phase of my life the Universe stepped in. One Halloween night while on patrol I suffered a very serious gunshot wound and had a near death experience. I was met by my Grandmother. She told me I could not remain in that realm and that I must return to the earthly plane. This was the last thing I wanted to hear! I told her I wanted to stay. She told me I must return as there was much for me to accomplish. 

During my recovery the Attending Physician advised me I had lost over 3 Liters of blood and he was uncertain how I had made it to the hospital alive. 

That Halloween night was a turning point in my life. From that point on I was aware of my Spirit Guides, who help me, direct me, and assist me in navigating this complex psychic world of wonder.  I am dedicated to remaining open and receptive to the teachings and guidance from the other realms. 

I have since been blessed with additional gifts that assist me in connection to my Guides, Soul Communication and accessing the Akasha. The work I do includes Akashic readings, mediumship, tarot and energetic healing.


My passion is to help others learn and grow spiritually, and to provide guidance and clarity through difficult times. Whether you need a psychic or akashic reading, a spirit communication session, or simply are interested to learn more about your journey, I can help you.

I understand everyone's spiritual journey is unique. That's why I am guided to offer personalized psychic services to help you on your individual path to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Whether you are seeking guidance on your ascension path or looking to connect with loved ones who have passed, I am here to help. With my psychic abilities and spiritual knowledge, I can help you find clarity, peace, and progress on your journey.

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